Are you #HousingHunting in the Dupage County area in #Illinois
Infographic: Illinois home sales and pri
Infographic: Illinois home sales and prices head higher in July #IARMarketStats
When is it a Good Time to Rent? Definite
When is it a Good Time to Rent? Definitely NOT Now #OwnAHome #WestChicagoIL
When is it a Good Time to Rent? Definite
When is it a Good Time to Rent? Definitely NOT Now #OwnAHome #WestChicagoIL
7 Tips for Improving Your Credit http://
7 Tips for Improving Your Credit #ImproveCredit #HouseHunting #Buyahouse
Real Estate Agents Stimulate the Economy
We are more than just agents. Yes, we help buyer’s and seller’s purchase homes everyday. What’s awesome about the real estate agent is that we employee many during each transaction. Everytime we sell a home we put people to work. Of those that might be employed include:
- 2 Real estate agents
- Inspectors
- Loan officers
- Title Companies
- 2 Attorneys
- Home Warranty companies
- Movers
- Painters
- repair company
- The city or villages of the property
- & often others
From one transaction we have at least 12 potential groups or people that might be employed. Remember when you’re working with an agent we stimulate the economy.
Think You Should FSBO? Think Again! [INF
Think You Should FSBO? Think Again! [INFOGRAPHIC]
4 Tips to Determine How Much Mortgage Yo
4 Tips to Determine How Much Mortgage You Can Afford #RealEstate #homeOwnership
In Glen Ellyn Illinois it takes 50 days
In Glen Ellyn Illinois it takes 50 days or less to close on a home once the property is under contract #GlenEllynIL
7 Steps to Take Before You Buy a Home ht
7 Steps to Take Before You Buy a Home #HomeOwnership #HomeBuyers #RealEstate